Ep. 158: Self-Expression in Healing with Lamar Whidbee

On this episode we interview artist and mental health professional, Lamar Whidbee. We talk about chasing purpose with the work you make, being grounded in storytelling, the feeling of artmaking, the power of creative mentorship, and the role that mental health plays in our day to day lives.

Mentioned Resources:

Lamar Whidbee

Artist, LCMHCA | Knightdale, NC

Artist Bio:

LAMAR WHIDBEE, was born and raised in North Carolina, where his creative journey has taken on many forms. After receiving a football scholarship at Winston-Salem State University and transferring to North Carolina Central University, he found mentorship under Dr. Beverly McIver, igniting his passion for art. His academic pursuits led to an MFA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a License in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from North Carolina State University.

Today, Lamar Whidbee approaches the contemporary art scene, using his craft to spark conversations on mental health, parenting, profound insights into the human experience, and speaking to the experiences of underrepresented communities, transcending race, demographics, and gender. Whitbee’s art has been exhibited in prestigious venues such as the North Carolina Museum of Art and the Visual Art Exchange. And beyond his professional life, he is a husband of ten years and a father of two.

Stay Connected With Lamar:

Podcast Music By Corey Claxton:

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Ep. 159: Cybersecurity for Artists & Art Administrators with Torrence Reed 


Ep. 157: Quilts as Art Objects with Michelle Wilkie